The purpose of Internet access in the library is to make available the vast array of information and research resources to the people of Miami County. To accomplish this in a fair and equitable manner, the following polices have been adopted.
Users of networks or facilities not owned by the Library will adhere to the policies and procedures established by the administrators of those networks and facilities. These policies and procedures can be obtained from the network information center of the network in question.
Network resources may only be used for legal purposes. Examples of illegal purposes include, but are not limited to, the following: Harassment of other users Libeling or slandering other users Destruction of or damage to equipment, software, or data belonging to the library or other users Disruption or unauthorized monitoring of electronic communications Unauthorized copying of copyright-protected materials
Network resources must be used in accordance with the accepted guidelines and policies of the Library. Examples of unacceptable use include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Violation of computer system security
- Unauthorized use of computer accounts, access codes, or network identification numbers
- Violation of software license agreements
- Violation of network usage policies and regulations
- Interfering with system operations
- Degrading system performance in any way
Patrons using the computers for research and study purposes will take priority over those using the computers for social media or games.
Peru Public Library’s Information Technologies are available to the public, but with certain restrictions. Use of these technologies, as with all library services and materials, is a privilege, not a right. Misuse of hardware or software may result in loss of library privileges, legal action, or both.
Unlawful use, misuse, or abuse of computer equipment or materials will result in suspension or termination of user access to these resources. The Library director or assignee will determine the appropriate action whether suspension or termination of privileges is imposed.
Any activity that is deemed inappropriate by the staff on duty in the computer lab has the right to enforce rules set forth by the Peru Public Library Board of Trustees.
Since the internet is a global electronic network, there is no state/federal or international control of its users or content. The Internet and its available resources may contain material of a controversial nature. The Library cannot control access to material nor protect users from offensive data. Parents of minor children must assume responsibility of their children’s use of the Internet through the Library connection.
Library staff cannot control availability of information links which often change rapidly and unpredictably. Not all sources on the Internet provide accurate, complete or current information. Users need to be good information consumers, questioning the validity of the information they receive.
The Peru Public Library assumes no responsibility for any damages, direct or indirect, arising from the use of its Internet connection.
In accordance with Federal Law, concerning the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), the Peru Public Library provides internet filtering on all library computers including both staff and public terminals.
- No user of Peru Public Library materials or equipment shall disrupt any of the Internet networks as a whole, or any equipment or system forming part of the connection to, or part of, the Internet system, or any services provided over the connection.
- No user shall transmit any communication where the meaning of the message, or its transmission or distribution, would violate any applicable law or regulation, or would likely be highly offensive to the recipient or recipients thereof.
- No user shall use the Peru Public Library materials or equipment to mass distribute (or otherwise intrusively “broadcast”) any messages over the Internet, including but not limited to advertising.
- Users shall respect and abide by all copyright law as applicable.
- Users shall not access, upload, download, or otherwise distribute or knowingly receive materials which are pornographic, obscene, or sexually explicit language.
- Users shall not transmit obscene, abusive, or sexually explicit language.
- Users shall not use the Peru Public Library connection to the Internet to violate any local, state, or federal statute.
- Users shall not vandalize, damage, or disable the property of another individual or organization.
- Users shall not access another individual or organization’s private files, materials, or information without permission.
- Peru Public Library reserves the right to deny Internet access to any person found to be in violation of this General Internet Usage Policy, and any addendums adopted by the Board of Trustees for the Peru Public Library, or their designers.
While the mission of the Peru Public Library is to provide open and equal access to ideas and information to all members of the community, it is important to specifically differentiate Internet use by minors, as there are inherent dangers therein. Peru Public Library supports parents and guardians in their efforts to guide their own children’s access to print, non-print, and online information.
- Parents are responsible for their children’s use of the Internet in the Library. Children under 16 years old and under must have an adult present.
- Minors MUST be accompanied by a parent or guardian and must sit NEXT to the parent or guardian when they are on the internet.
- Use of the Internet through the Peru Public Library connection is a privilege, and access is voluntary.
- Peru Public Library believes that the benefits of access to information resources provided through the Internet outweigh the potential disadvantages of such access.
- Peru Public Library seeks to preserve minor’s status as full members of the Internet community.
- Peru Public Library cannot control the resources on the Internet. The Internet is not a static entity. It changes each minute as new information is added and old information is deleted.
- Some Internet sites may contain information which is inaccurate, defamatory, illegal, obscene, or potentially offensive to some.
- Peru Public Library can attempt to prevent direct access to materials that are not generally acceptable in a public library, but it is technically impossible to prevent access to all resources which might be objectionable to some people.
- It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to determine whether to place restrictions on their own children with regard to use of the Internet.
- Parents/guardian are responsible for their own children’s behavior while using the library’s Internet connection. Peru Public Library assumes no liability for inappropriate conduct or acts conducted on the Internet by minors.
- The Internet is made available to library patrons for information and research purposes. Web-based email is permitted for adult patrons. Minors must have a parent or guardian present to access any mail.
- Peru Public Library computers are not to be used to create, transmit, print, or otherwise distribute pornographic, obscene, racist, sexist, or sexually explicit materials; hacking or any other unlawful activities by both adult and minor patrons online are prohibited.
WARNING: Although library computer workstations are filtered, some images, written text, and/or other information may be viewable from other computer terminals. Parents are advised that this could pose a risk to their children when viewing information on other computer terminals within the computer lab.
- Everyone using the Internet must sign in at the Reference desk to use the terminal.
- The Internet computer terminals may be reserved for 1 hour intervals. However, if someone is waiting to use the Internet, you will have 5 minutes to finish your search before the next person starts using it.
- No more than two people at at time are permitted on an Internet terminal.
- In order to not disturb other users open speakers are prohibited. Individuals must use and supply their own earphones.
- At the present time, anything published on the Internet is considered copyrighted. Documents or files may be downloaded or copied for personal or educational use, unless the document or file has a specific copyright statement that would prevent the copying or downloading. It may also state the conditions under which it may be copied or downloaded. You must honor copyright restrictions when using the internet.
- Information off the internet may be printed. The cost for black and white prints are 20 cents per page. Page lengths can be difficult to determine, the user is responsible for all pages printed including tail pages.
- Warning: What you are doing on the Internet may be seen by others including children. Accessing sites that contain pornography, obscenity, and/or other illicit materials is not permitted. If you find you have accessed one of these sites by mistake, please exit it immediately.
- Remember: The Library has no control over the information in the Internet. The Library is not responsible for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through the Internet.
- The Internet is made available to library patrons for information and research purposes.
- At times you may not be able to access the Internet site you wish. there are many reasons: among them:
- there are too many Internet visitors, the host computer has closed, or has limited access from the “outside world”;
- the database or resource is licensed to a particular institution, in which case you would need to be affiliated with the institution in order to obtain access;
- the host computer has changed its address or has closed down;
- the library’s Internet connection may periodically be not operable due to technical difficulties.
- Misuse of the computer or Internet access will result in loss of your computer privileges.
- Sign in on the provided sheet before using the Library’s Computers. Certain times of day or night may be blocked out for Library usage, maintenance, etc.
- Printing cost are $0.20 for black and white copies per page, or $0.50 for color copies (per page). (as of May 1, 2019)
- During open time periods, if someone is waiting to use a computer, the current user must complete his/her work within one hour (including printing time).
- No open speakers. User must use and supply their own earphones.
- Computer lab will close 30 minutes before the library closes.
- The computer’s hard disk drives are for the storage of library software and information. Please do not save your files there. Use your own flash drives. Any unknown files will be purged periodically by library staff.
- Anyone found to be abusing library computers in any way will forfeit further library computer use. This includes erasing any library stored data or programming on the hard disks, or illegally copying copyrighted software from library computers. Use of profanity will result in the same forfeiture.
- You are responsible for any damages occurring to library software due to inappropriate actions on inaction while using the computers. Fees will be assessed and charged to the library patron for required repairs or replacements.
- Peru Public Library computers are not to be used to create, transmit, print, or otherwise distribute pornographic, obscene, or sexually explicit materials; or racist, sexist, or any illegal act.
- The library is not responsible for damage to your software, data, or hardware due to library use. The Peru Public Library will endeavor to maintain current operating systems. However, the Peru Public Library cannot and will not be responsible for inaccurate information obtained through the technology or for damage to software or hardware caused by anything downloaded from any and all Peru Public Library systems.
All the above rules are subject to change. All above rules are subject to policy established by the Evergreen Consortium.